Sunday, December 5

I need thinspiration!

I woke up today feeling guilty about eating late the night before, so I thought I'm going to only eat some fruit and salad for the rest of the day. It was almost perfect until... lunchtime - carrot, tomato, red pepper juice (great! 15 cals in 100 mls) but the chocolote cookies??? What was I thinking??? I'm getting ready to sleep, sipping some green tea and feeling sorry for my fat ass that cannot fit to my new jeans. So I need some tinspiration. And my favourite one is Nicole. She's two in one - 'celebrity' and 'before and after' which makes her so human and gives me strength to continue despite my failures (plus - I could move in her closet. I love everything she's ever put on). Alors! I'll keep calm and carry on. So should you.